何でもクリック可能な世界:仮想現実の空間 ジョエル・ド・ロネ
2009年にフランスの科学思想家 ジョエル・ド・ロネさんに頂いた賛辞を昔のブログで見つけて読み直していました。ある意味、全く同じことをやり続けていることを再確認しました。
Clickable environment: a virtual reality.
By Joel de Rosnay
Internet has accustomed us to permanent revolution but it is huge. After the revolution of the browser, then search engines, here is a CamPhone (phone with a camera) that make the environment "clickable."
This fundamental discovery and the development of the device and software, is due to a Japanese engineering, Takaito Iguchi, President of the company founder Tonchidot (HYPERLINK "http://tonchidot.com/" http:// tonchidot.com /). He received the second prize for best innovation on the Internet with its Sekai Camera, in the context of the 'Net Explorer "held in the Senate on 5 and 6 February 2009 (HYPERLINK" http://www.netexplorateur. org/Net100.php "www.netexplorateur.org/Net100.php)
これを実現するソフトウェアとデバイスの発明と開発は、トンチドット社のファウンダーおよび代表の井口尊仁によって、つまり日本の技術によってもたらされました。 彼は「セカイカメラ」によって、最高のインターネットに於けるイノベーションを讃えるNetExplorateur(2009年の2月5日と6日に元老院で行われたTechコンテスト)にて第二位を獲得しました。
I suggested there are more than five years in my book "The Revolt of Pronétariat" in collaboration with Carlo Revelli, the concept and the term "environmental clickable" (HYPERLINK "http://www.pronetaire.com/ book / "http://www.pronetaire.com/livre/.). That is why I had the pleasure and honor to present to the Forum showing Takaito Iguchi and delivery of the prize.
私は Carlo Revelli との共著「The Revolt of Pronétariat」に於いて"クリッカブル環境"という用語と概念を説明し、5年程度でそれが実現するであろうことを予想しました。そして嬉しいことに、早くもこの予想を見事実現しようとする井口氏に今回 NetExplorateur で賞を授与させて頂くことになったのです。
"Even the camphone (mobile phone camera with a photo) will become a real" mouse. " It will be both remote control and scanner. Indeed new technologies (such as SpotCode), make the physical environment "clickable." They will use their mobile at home or on the street, to mean a purchase order directly on the image of a screen or on a poster with a circular code (similar to a barcode), capable of be read by the camphone. With a "click photo" on this code, the user will be directly related to the company's website, or receive an SMS reply to his question "(The Revolt of Pronétariat, p.149)
カムフォーン(モバイルフォンとデジタルカメラの合成語)はリアルな"マウス"となります。そしてそれは同時にリモコンとスキャナーにもなるのです。それはスポット・コードなどの新しい技術によって世界を“クリッカブル”にします。 人々はモバイルフォンを室内や街中で使いスクリーンやポスター上のイメージから直接商品を(バーコードのように サーキュラーコードを用いることで)購入したり、あるいは"クリックフォト"を用いることで企業のウェブサイトに直接アクセスできるようになります。また、問い合わせをすれば、企業からのショートメッセージですぐに回答を得たりすることができるのです。
The camera developed by Iguchi Takaito opens a window of almost endless applications for the next 20 years (HYPERLINK "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgTwSXK_5dg" www.youtube.com/watch?v = KgTwSXK_5dg). For example in the field of tourism, leisure, e-commerce, visiting cities, museums, and research books in a library. The software of the Sekai Camera uses for an iPhone yet but will soon adapt to all the "smartphones" and PDA's. The eye of the camera of the iPhone, which is normally used to take pictures, is permanently open and "look" the environment around the user. By moving the screen, we see its environment through glasses when you move your head.
頓智によって開発されたセカイカメラは、来る二〇年に渡り、ほぼ無限と言っても良いアプリケーション開発の可能性を開くことになるでしょう。 たとえば、観光分野、レジャー、イーコマース、都市の探訪、ミュージアム、図書館の蔵書へのアクセスなどが考えられます。
セカイカメラのソフトは、最初はiPhone向けに提供されますが、遠からずすべてのスマートフォンやPDAに移植されるでしょう。 iPhoneのカメラという"目"は一般的には写真撮影に使われますが、セカイカメラではその"目"は常に開いていてユーザーの周囲の世界を"見る"のです。 iPhoneのスクリーンを動かすと、我々はその"環境"をそのまま移動した通りに見ることができます。
We continue to see what is on each side of itself, while before his eyes on the screen of the Iphone, appear overlay of digital information in the form of tags and visible color. These tags (numerical labels) are placed at will by the user who wants to be a restaurant, exhibition, or create a bubble over his head to acknowledge his friends in a crowd.
These "AirTags" as called Takaito Iguchi, are very easy to create. Since the phone is GPS-Based, simply create a tag at the place of his choice by clicking with the finger on an icon to the screen of the Iphone and add, if desired, a recorded comment .
Like all information on these tags are stored on servers located in the "Cloud" ( "the Cloud", the ubiquitous Internet) including the "Cloud" offered by Amazon (HYPERLINK "http://aws.amazon. com / "aws.amazon.com /), friends who directs its tags (like Facebook) can find their digital labels when they visit a city where an exhibition anywhere in the world.
In addition, the owner of a restaurant or a clothing store to create their own tags using Google Maps or Google Earth, allowing a user entering an environment as "Tagua" to find a comment that describes a menu or clothing in vogue.
The emergence of "AirTags" is to create bookmarks in the physical environment. Just as we created bookmarks from a website you just visited. You can mark objects, books, monuments and even landscapes. Another example, in a stadium with 10,000 people attending a football match, it will be possible to see through the screen of the Iphone, the crowd moved to the "bubble Tag" floating above the heads of people who want to be identified by their friends.
人々はあらゆるモノ、書籍、史跡、そして風景にさえエアタグでブックマークできるのです。 他の例としては iPhoneを通じてエアバルーンタグを見ることができます。10,000人の大観衆のスタジアムの雑踏の中でさえ、頭上に浮かばせたバルーンによって友人を探す事もできるでしょう。
It will be possible to send them a "AirMail" snapshot to show where we are. Already tracing people exist, with Google Latitude (HYPERLINK "http://www.google.com/latitude/intro.html" www.google.com / latitude / intro.html) and Aka-Aki (HYPERLINK http://www.aka-aki.com/ "www.aka-aki.com/), but Sekai Camera provides many more features and memorizing Tags trail in the" Cloud ".
The great novelty of this tool is that it promotes the fusion of the real world and virtual world. The transition from one to another. The properties of the clickable world may apply equally to an amusement park, a state fair or a "city within a city" as the Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie. (HYPERLINK "http://www . sciences.fr quote "www.cite-sciences.fr) It may be possible to propose in a few years its visitors Sekai Camera (or a PDA equivalent) to enable them to move in the City and Tags read recommending a particular exhibition, left by previous visitors.
セカイカメラの類稀な革新性は、現実世界と仮想世界との融合を押し進める点です。 現実と仮想との行き来・往来。クリッカブルワールドの特性はアミューズメントパーク、見本市、あるいはCITE(パリ郊外の巨大な科学技術博物館)のような都市の中の都市に於いても同様に適用できます。
This technological revolution brought a sociological or philosophical. With his camera, it goes some way "behind the mirror" as proposed in Orpheus Jean Cocteau in 1950. The "mirrors" placed in front of our eyes, to communicate with the Internet, are the screens of our PC, our mobile or our Smartphone. But these screens are small and two-dimensional face of the immensity of the world around us.
The Sekai Camera is the environment that becomes a computer. RFID chips hidden in walls, motion detectors, voice or face analyzer, will provide tools to interface with the environment clickable. As a first step, it is our mobile phone will act as a scanner, mouse, and remote control as I described in the "Revolt of Pronétariat. Thereafter, they will be tools like the Sekai Camera or Smartphone with any suitable software.
そして、ちょうど私が"Revolt of Pronétariat"で予期した通り、先ず最初のステップとしては、モバイルフォンの機能がスキャナーやマウス、あるいはリモートコントローラーとしての役割を果たすのです。そしてそれ以降は、スマートフォンの普及に伴い、セカイカメラというツールが広がっていくでしょう。
Like, for example, the new Google phone, which will be launched by SFR (HYPERLINK "http://news.idealo.fr/news/5853/lancement-du-google-phone-en-mars-par-sfr.html "news.idealo.fr/news/5853/lancement-du-google-phone-en-mars-par-sfr.html). The flexibility of its software to Android, in fact, many developers to create applications from a variety to navigate our physical environment and read the tags written by himself or by other visitors.
With these applications the environment click "become a real virtuality. We can expect an explosion of uses, especially as the software of the Sekai Camera is available free on the Apple Store from the Summer and on a global basis.
それらのアプリケーションによってクリッカブルな世界は"現実の仮想世界"となるのです。私たちはユーザーによるエアタグの爆発的な増大を期待することができます。 特にこの夏以降、アップルの AppStore にてセカイカメラが無償提供開始され、しかも、それがワールドワイドに配布されるとあれば。
But attention to the traceability of Internet users. Should remain vigilant to prevent violations of privacy and ensuring co-regulation, so that citizens' environmental clickable "does not turn into environment flicable!